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A few of the talks I have given, either slides and/or videos. Highly incomplete, updating slowly...


Dark Matter and Metaphor: A Panel Discussion on Art and Astrophysics (University of Toronto Art Gallery, 21 September 2022)

A no-lose theorem for discovering the new physics of (g − 2)μ (Fermilab Colloquium, 14 April 2021)

Cosmology and Astrophysics of the Twin Higgs (CITA seminar, 18 April 2019)

Particle Physics at the Lifetime Frontier(University of Toronto Physics Colloquium, 11 Oct 2018)

Pop-Sci / Sci-Fi Podcasts:

On Dark Matter, Part 1, Part 2 (The Science in The Fiction, May-June 2024)

What if There is a Dark Mirror Universe All Around Us? (Event Horizon, May 2024)

Long Live MATHUSLA (UMD JQI Podcast, July 2017)